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on airの例文


  • get that stuff on air right now , or you're all fired .
    放送してください みんなクビになる
  • what about getting a man on air force one ?
    エアフォース・ワンに人を 送り込むには?
  • and before you know it , you're walking on air .
    自分で気づかないうちに・・・・ いつの間にか空を歩いてる
  • i'll teach you the basics of how to speak on air .
  • we brought it on air in november 2009 .
    2009年の11月に 放映しましたが
  • appeared on air during the vietnam war
  • we're the only thing on air right now
  • where i actually spent more time in makeup than i did talking on air .
  • okay . get the americans on air .
    分かった アメリカ軍と連絡しろ
  • killer bill's video forced on air
    殺人鬼ビルのビデオ オンエアー
  • as though walking on air .
    山から舞い降りてきた訳では ありません
  • i went on air with a false story .
  • five minutes before it went on air
  • we could bop on air force one .
  • they're running this on air ? no .
  • the first controlled airship on air in paris for a million people to see .
    パリで百万人の人々の前で 飛行してみせたのです
  • this engine , because it was so interesting it only worked on air , no steam
    蒸気ではなく 空気で動く この奇妙なエンジンを使い
  • on air in 5 second .
    本番5秒前! 4 3 2...。
  • and the president is safe on air force one with colonel rhodes . i think we're good here .
  • and that's just on air .
  • もっと例文:  1  2